Thursday, February 28, 2013

If you work for a living

A new t-shirt design has been added to our online store.  You can find it here:

Express your feelings concerning work with this loud and bloody expression.  Don't die.  Live.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Use Your Logo

There are times the simplest design is the best design.  We could discuss, all day, the qualities of what makes a good design, but sometimes we need to step back and consider just placing your company logo on the t-shirt.  Its simple. Clean.  And, unobstructed by any notion of being associated to a specific event or considered in associations with any other person or entity.  Its just brand X.  If people believe in, and enjoy your product or service, they will wear a t-shirt with brand X on it.  

Be seen.  Advertise yourself.

Friday, February 15, 2013

What if you don't have any artwork

As is often the case, a client will want a design on a t-shirt, but they do not have any art work. Maybe they'll have a logo or a phrase, slogan and a basic array of colors.  Fearing the cost of art services, many people never get the t-shirts made.

Fear not my friends.  We here at Red Hot Inkers can work with you to create a simple yet effective design for little or no art service cost.  We can also work with you in create more complex and detailed designs which may involve art services costs.  Either way, we have the graphical software to establish and build a design which meets your specifications.

Don't let the fact that you are without art stop you from getting personalized t-shirts designed.  We can help.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Front and Back

Thats the ongoing discussion when it comes to the design on a t-shirt.  What to put on the front, and what to put on the back.  It depends on source of the design.  Is it for an event?  A function?  Company dress code?  In that vein, its best to have all of the design on the front of the shirt, and a minimal (if anything at all) on the back.

This is further reinforced when considering promotional or self-promotional t-shirts.  You want the most vibrant part of the design on the front of the shirt.  The reason being is you want the shirt to initiate conversation.  As you approach someone, they will view your shirt, and if feel comfortable enough doing so, will compliment the shirt.  This opens a channel of conversation and allows you pursue the conversation to perhaps a sales pitch or at the very least an opportunity to market yourself and your company or organization to which you are representing.

As for the back of the shirt, this can ben extremely useful in displaying information concerning the company or organization such as contact information via phone or email.  Think of yourself standing in line at the grocery store, bank, post office.  Or, walking around a crowded venue where someone might be walking near or behind you in which they'll have ample opportunity to see and take notice of your business or organization and possibly tap you on the shoulder for more information.

In summary, if your best design is on the front, and its good enough to prompt a compliment from someone facing you, you'll already be facing them to continue a conversation they initiated.  If you best design is on the back, many people are no so inclined or comfortable with tapping you on the shoulder, a perceived intrusion into your personal space.  Keep the god design on the front to initiate conversation, and informational content on the back.  

Advertise yourself.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Seasonal Message

When considering ideas for advertising look to the holidays, or the seasons.  A colorful design on a t-shirt or hoodie, and worn in conjunction with the appropriate holiday / season is sure to catch the eye of most passerby's.  Once the eye is captured, they can read your message.  For example, A winter season design could say something like "Be warm and safe this winter.  Make sure you get your tires checked at Jojo's Tire Shop.  Call us at nnn-nnn-nnnn".  

Wearing a self-promoting design is always encouraged, but we believe a design worn in conjunction with a specific holiday or season will be noticed by those around you.  And, those around you will respond positively towards your attention to that specific holiday or season.  It should spark a conversion which should allow you to speak about your business.

Advertise yourself.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Timeless Message

Having a t-shirt with attractive art and a message, such as Fifth Annual Fishing Adventure 2008, is a great way to commemorate an event.  Displaying a date and location along with the art is a badge of honor for the wearer of the t-shirt.  They are saying, I was there.  And, I have the t-shirt to prove it.

T-shirts can also be used to advertise.  Just the company logo on the front is a very good choice.  Adding company contact information is a great way to advertise, as well.  Especially useful for local businesses.  

We recommend when designs for self promotional t-shirts be timeless.  What does that mean?  Well, we recommend against having a t-shirt saying "Presidents Day Sales 2013", because time does march on and this once current design will look odd when where it in the year 2015.  So, keep the design timeless.  If you want a Presidents Day sale t-shirt, excellent.  Just don't associate a date into the design, unless it is specially associated to an event, of which you want to commemorate.  

Self advertise yourself on a t-shirt, but keep the design timeless.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Full Color - Unlimited Colors

So, there you are.  You have design for a shirt consisting of a sweet artistic centerpiece.  Fabulous colors, one flowing into another through beautiful transitions.  But, you're concerned about gradient transitions of color and if the screen printing company down the street can reproduce the full magnificence of the art.  

Worry no more.  With direct to garment printing there are no screen setups for color separations.  No limitations to the number colors and certainly no setup fees.  Full color in direct to garment printing means unlimited colors.  Millions of colors.  With direct to garment printing, we can achieved those subtle color transitions as one color blends into another.

Bring on the color.  Yeah, we can do that.