Thursday, April 25, 2013

Haters will Hate the free market for selling Boston Strong T-shirts

Nothing makes a popular story, except those doing good deeds, than bashing those who dare to make a dollar.  In these raw times in the post-Boston Marathon bombings, words like "Entrepreneur" are spat to the sidewalk with terrible distaste.  Why the hate? Its easy to twist the feelings and cheaply play upon the emotions of others and make it seem like there's a feeding of tragic incidents, but all these T-shirts being created and printed are making money.  Some more than others.  And, if they are not making money, its for a limited time only only.  Why?  Because its costs money to print T-shirts.  Ignoring the actual cost of the garments themselves, inks, solvents, cleansers, packing, shipping materials, there's the labor.  Screen printers would go out of business within a month if they had to play to the childish tantrums of those spitting the word "Entrepreneur".  

In an article I saw, the company Chowdaheadz was being demonized by implying they were taking advantage of the Boston Bombings by offers T-shirts.  If one were to take even a casual glance at their site, they'd see Chowdaheadz is donating 20% of each T-shirt sold to The One Fund.  Yes, the same fund that the big named companies and campaigns with more headline news time like Adidas donate to.

So, to all those who are critical of all "Entrepreneurs" for selling Boston Strong T-shirts, change your diaper and put the pacifier back in your mouth.  When you can come to the plate with a real news story of people doing good deeds, stay quiet and allow enterprising individuals and companies make a dollar and help those truly in need.

Remember, before you start pointing an accusing finger at others, how much money have you raised for The One Fund?

Boston t-shirt   Boston t-shirt

Boston t-shirt   Boston t-shirt

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