Sunday, April 14, 2013

T-shirt designer donates more than $500,000 to Sandy storm relief

Sometimes, in the face of disaster, the right person hits upon the right nerve and creates an unexpected rally cry.  In this case, Scott Zableski, who ran a T-shirt business, crated a T-shirt with the slogan "Restore the Shore" in response to the Sandy hurricane.  Within days, T-shirts were being sold so fast Scott had to hire more people to keep up with the demand.  Within two months, he had $1 million in sales.  From the first day he started sales, he donated proceeds to local business - schools, police departments, relief shelters, exceeding $500,000. (The Star Ledger - New Jersey)

It would be easy to point at Scott and say he was taking advantage of a terrible situation, but I believe he did a great thing.  In addition to providing jobs, and donating money to groups who desperately needed them, he tapped into a rallying voice that help people to gather.  It gave them a unified conduit in which they felt this one local person could help the local community.  That's a very comforting feeling in situations like hurricane Sandy.

Do good things.

Restore-the-Shore-Zabelski store.JPG

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